Friday, June 10, 2011

Gettin' the hang of this blog thingy

Steve just left to run errands and I am now tasked with doing the blog from start to finish! Normally he is within shouting distance if I don't understand something (which a few days ago was just about everything to do with blogging). Slowly but surely it is starting to make sense. I read a great quote the other day that said "if you are experiencing anxiety around something it is generally because you haven't learned all that you need to know about it". Pretty soon this 'blog thingy' will be second nature for me.

I remember when painting and faux finishing were foreign territory, and now through years of experience, reading, research and experimentation I have a great comfort level with them. It is a reminder that almost everything is possible if you take the time to train yourself. So bring on the blog!

Today's painting is very abstract and sometimes I think the subject in a piece like this ends up being the colours themselves, or maybe the energy it gives off. There is something about the combination of saturated blues, deep reds, magenta, orange and turquoise that create an energy field that is intriguing to me. I hope you can feel it too!

For more information or pricing on this painting or others by casa art studio please click on the link below.

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