Friday, July 1, 2011

Back in the studio!

After a few weeks away from the studio thanks to a nice faux finishing job that came available for us we are now back in the thick of things, getting ready to create again and release all that pent up energy onto some canvas!

Although faux finishing is very creative it uses a different type of artistic energy and for me personally it does not mix well with the energy that I tap into when working on my paintings. So, as you may have noticed, production at casa art studio came to a screeching halt while we were busy at our other jobsite.

Today, July 1st, seems like a good day to start anew with some paintings. As our friends Eric & Jessica Crabtree ( have said, there hasn't been a studio large enough so far to let them produce all of the ideas they have! I kind of feel the same - so many great things out there waiting to be created into this dimension. Steve is testing his limits with reverse painting on lucite (you have to paint the final part of your painting first and then work backwards!) and I am going to dive into some other realms of mixed media working with oil pastels, collage, inks and acrylics. Can't wait!

Today's featured painting is very textural and organic. Bamboo and stone are wired on to the canvas which started with a background of rich earthy colours, chunky gold mica flakes, acrylic washes and raised gold acrylic 'beads'. Tribal, organic, earthy and unique! Artist - Steve Adams!

Here's to the beginning of a great month!


For more information or pricing on this painting or other works by our artists Cynthia and Steve Adams at casa art studio please click on the link below.

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